Puppet show and multidisciplinary theatre
Recommended audience age for family performances: 6 years and upwards
Recommended audience age for school performances: 8 years and upwards
Performance running time: 1h
Actors’ number: 4
Technicians’ number: 1
Optimal assembly time: 4h
Optimal disassembly time: 2h
Optimal stage measures: 8m width x 7m depth x 4m height
We could make a technical sheet implementation to your scenic space to start from its characteristics.
Premiere: 1999

Prize for the Best Artistic Proposal, Fira de Titelles de Lleida, Catalonia, 1999
Prize Rialles de Catalunya for the Best Children’s Show, La Nit de Santa Llúcia, Òmnium Cultural, Catalonia, 2000
Prize for the Best Show, FETEN, Gijón, Spain, 2001
Prize for the Best Set Design, FETEN, Gijón, Spain, 2001
Prize for the Best Children’s Show, Premis del Públic “Els Millors del 2000″, Teatre Metropol de Tarragona, Catalonia, 2001
Prize for the Best Show for Children and Young People, “Imagina 01″, Centro Cultural Villa de Nerja, Spain, 2001
Baron Munchausen, a great traveller known far and wide for his incredible stories, is judged by a people’s jury. He is accused of being a faker and is condemned to live on the Island of Liars together with other fantasy characters like Simbad, Gulliver, Don Quixote…
Four of his admirers, present at the trial, come out in his defense narrating some of the adventures that made him famous: Like when he escaped from the ferocious lion on his horse Bucefal; his experiences on the battle field; his extravagant stay on the Moon; how he managed to escape from the belly of a Whale or the ingenuity he showed when having to flatter a depraved Sultan…
This is how the four comedians defended this tender character, demonstrating his numerous virtues in front of the tribunal; like how with the strength of his imagination, astuteness and friendship, the Baron managed to escape from the most complicated situations.
Baron Munchausen, the most witless character in the history of fantasy literature, actually existed in the 18th century. We know that he was born in the Germany town of Hanover in 1720; he had a career in the military and fought in several battles against Belgium. Using the text by the authors E. M. Raspe and August Gottfried Burger, La Baldufa brings this show to the stage using various techniques: actors, flat puppets, transparencies and other props that combined with the play of light make this version of Baron Munchausen a fantastic journey through the imagination. Not only they do show us the truth of stories, but they also help us to see that each of us carries a little Munchausen inside.
We can all travel and live great adventures with the help of our imagination.