Theatrical clown show
Recommended audience: adults, 8 years and upwards
Performance running time: 60’
No text.
Actors’ number: 3
Technicians’ number: 1
People on tour: 4
Indoors and outdoors show
Approximate assembly time: 5h
Approximate disassembly time: 2h
Capacity: 150 people
Minimum stage measures: 12m width x 12m depth x 4.5m height
Premiere: 02/01/2019 - Teatre de la Llotja, Lleida, Catalonia

Nominated for the Best Street Show Award, Barcelona Theater, 2022
Nominated for the Family Critic Award, XXII Performing Arts Criticism Awards, 2019
SYNOPSIS Bye bye, Confetti
Three clowns cry for the death of their leader, Confetti: the absence of the father that used to lead them is evident; the void he left seems absolute, the lack of leadership feels uneasy, overwhelms, mortifies…: profound grief!
Should someone replace him?!
Once the time of sorrow is over, the hustle and bustle to meet a new guide starts.
Bye bye, Confetti is a show of eccentric and authentic clowns, where beating around the bush is not allowed at all. Equal parts of humour and love. But, more than that, it’s about surprise and astonishment, in a place where the audience and actors breathe the same emotions.
Authorship and direction: La Baldufa: Enric Blasi, Emiliano Pardo, Carles Pijuan
With the collaboration of: Jokin Oregi
Music: Òscar Roig
Lighting design: Anjos Fernández
Set design: Carles Pijuan
Costume design and dressmaking: Rosa Solé
Set construction: Juan Manuel Recio, Ferran López, Xevi Planas, Carles Pijuan
· Enric Blasi
· Emiliano Pardo
· Carles Pijuan
Production and Distribution: La Baldufa
With the support of:
ICEC - Departament de Cultura - Generalitat de Catalunya
INAEM - Instituto Nacional de Artes Escénicas y Música
Institut Ramon Llull
Mostra Igualada
Teatre Municipal de l’Escorxador de Lleida
Teatre Principal d’Olot
Barakaldo Antzokia