La Baldufa, PREMIO NACIONAL 2020



Pinocchio –distance event up to Wales

The Agor Drysau -in Welsh-, the Opening Doors -a bit easier to understand in English- has opened its doors to us —never better said! We offer four performances of Pinocchio, in three different places: Brecon [19/03], Cardigan [20/03] and Aberystwyth [22/03] —the last is the festival headquarters. We are excited and expecting it to be a rewarding experience, with which we will feed our curious, avid and insatiable spirit.

Getting ready for a distance event, training every day, nourishing our soul properly, consolidating suitable routines, incorporating new ones. Trying. Doing and undoing. Throwing out what doesn’t work. Absorbing alien knowledge. Running the risks. Presenting the project. Accepting the critique. And, while taking a firm stand, embark on a journey.

When persistence bears fruit, the effort is completely repaid. After premiering at Temporada Alta, performing at La Mostra, Fira de Titelles, Fira Tàrrega, Teatralia, Sticky Fingers, Momix, China International Children’s Festival, and following so, so many performances for scholars, within the framework of different networks and theatres, there is the opportunity to show our work to an audience we have never ever known, the Welsh.

We keep that door open…

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